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- @"BLOOD RUSH" By Andrew Campbell 1993
- Carl sank the razor into his wrist and clenched his teeth, hard.
- Blood flowed quickly and freely, pattering the sink randomly with
- red blotches. He was stood naked, legs slightly apart, muscles tensed.
- In the mirror opposite, he looked like a pale ghost with hair over-
- hanging his face in a loose, dead spider.
- "Carl? Are you home?"
- # Mother!
- The razor jerked and sliced flesh. Carl's hands shook vigorously.
- The razor clattered into the sink, stirring a graceful stream of
- fresh blood. His lips curled and his eyes watered.
- "Yeah," he managed to say, through chattering teeth. "I-I'm home
- mum."
- Blood pumping out of his arm, Carl gripped both taps and swirled
- them into action. The sink faded from red to pale green - its natural
- colour - and the carnivorous plughole gurgled with satisfaction.
- "Carl? Are you alright?"
- "Sure!" he almost screamed, rumaging through the medical cupboard in
- search of bandages. He toppled three medicine bottles, emptied a
- lidless tub of paracetamol and drenched the whole compartment with
- thick, red gore.
- "Oh shhhhhit!" he hissed, realising he had nothing with which to
- conceal his self-inflicted wound. There were no bandages, no plasters,
- the toilet roll was done-
- # Wait.
- He spotted the bathroom towel, cursed his own idleness, grabbed it,
- tied it around his wrist. Instantly, circles of maroon began to form
- on the outside.
- "Got some fruit from the supermarket, love." his mother called from
- downstairs. "And some bandages. We ran out, you know."
- "Tell me about it." Carl muttered, dragging up his jeans from the
- floor. As he fastened his belt, the towel fell away and a steady
- trickle of blood began to patter down on the lino.
- Angry and frightened, he struggled to cover his arm again. He smeared
- the puddle of redness into the floor with his foot.
- "The market was packed." his mother informed him, as he slipped his
- tee-shirt up and over his head. "I bumped into missus Drake and she
- said the school might be closing down because of those new lads from
- America. Do you know which ones I mean?"
- Carl zipped his fly, slammed the medical cabinet closed, covered the
- coppery blood on the floor with the toilet rug, flushed the toilet and
- shouted, "Yeah, I know." Then quietly: "Believe me, I know."
- "If they ever touch you Carl..." she called, clanging pots and pans
- around in the kitchen.
- Carl took a deep breath and unlocked the bathroom door. He strode out
- onto the upstairs landing and remained still for a moment. He could
- feel a thick pulse throbbing in his neck. Sweat was trickling down his
- back. His wrist had gone cold and numb, yet the pain was still almost
- unbearable. He felt sick, dizzy and weak.
- He began to walk towards the door of his room.
- "Carl?" his mother said. She was standing not far behind him, and her
- voice contained tones of disbelief. "Carl, what've you done?"
- Carl swung around, clutching his wrist tightly. "Nothing Mum. I-"
- "Oh my God!" she shrieked and staggered forwards, arms held out like
- some kind of zombie from a horror film.
- Carl looked down at the towel. It was soaked and dripping. Bile rose
- in his throat. He released his grip and the soggy mess splattered
- onto the carpet like a gigantic lump of half-chewed bubble-gum.
- He stepped backwards, crashed into his bedroom, kept his balance, saw
- a figure coming for him and slammed the door, hard.
- "Carl! Carl open this door right now!" his mother screamed. "We have
- to get you to-to a ho-hospital! Caaaaaarl!"
- She thumped the door frame and wailed. Carl heard her feet squidge
- into the discarded towel. He winced with disgust.
- "I'm alright Mum." he said, blood gushing from the open wound. "Not a
- thing to worry about. It's just a little cut."
- He stared at his bed for a moment. Could he run behind it and slide it
- across the room before his mother shot inside? He doubted it.
- The chest of drawers? Too heavy. She'd be inside the room before he
- could touch the darn thing.
- What about his computer desk? Not big enough. And there were too many
- wires to consider.
- "Go away, Mum." he demanded. "I'll be fine. Just go away."
- She stopped crying and said, "I'm calling an ambulance! You stupid,
- stupid boy!"
- Carl took a step forwards and fell to his knees. The room was small
- and dark and cold and the air was so heavy he could hardly breathe.
- His arms and legs felt icey, lifeless... wooden.
- Again, he looked at his wrist. The gash itself was no longer visible.
- Everything was just dark red and runny lines. The carpet below was
- glistening.
- He crawled for the bed, arms held out desirously. Every time his
- knees thumped on the carpet, pain soared through his body. Fuzzy balls
- of shock and terror flashed through his vision.
- All of a sudden his eyesight cancelled completely.
- He lay still.
- He couldn't see, hear or feel ; all he could do was think.
- And he thought:
- # Those kids from America won't be able to get me now, haha. They
- #won't get me now, and they won't get me ever, haha. Hahaha... haha...
- #ha...
- Moments later, Carl died.